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The Adventurer's Handbook Author Mick Conefrey, illustrations Adam T Burton. Publisher Smithsonion

"I enjoyed this book so much my friends and I are attempting to make a film out of it. I did the same with 'A Clockwork Orange, ' but apparently, some random guy has beat me to it."--Jonah Hill

How to Climb Mont Blanc in a Skirt: A Handbook for the Lady Adventurer. Author Mick Conefrey, illustrations Adam T Burton, publisher One world.

A Teacup in a Storm. Author Mick Conefrey, illustrations Adam T Burton, Publisher Harper Collins

Frauen gehoren nach oben Author Mick Conefrey, illustrations Adam T Burton, Publisher MALIK

Wie man bei windstarke 10 strilvoll eine Tasse Tee trinkt. Author Mick Conefrey, illustrations Adam T Burton, Publisher MALIK

The Green Road Into The Trees. Author Hugh Thomson, illustrations Adam T Burton, Publisher Random House

Everest 1953. Author Mick Conefrey, illustrations Adam T Burton, Publisher One World

The Ghosts Of K2. Author Mick Conefrey, illustrations Adam T Burton, Publisher One World

Everest 1953. Author Mick Conefrey, illustrations Adam T Burton, Publisher Mountaineers Books

Tinkle, Tinkle Little Star. Author Simon John, cover design, Adam T Burton, publisher, Amazon

Article Magazine. Cities issue. Photographs of Hulme, Adam T Burton

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55 Earth Years....25 Homes    2019 Author Adam T Burton


Available on Amazon Now £2.83 cheap


MARKS   2019  Author Adam T Burton


Available from Amazon now.   £5.75


Hulme Photographs 1984-1987 2019 Author Adam T Burton. Amazon £5.35

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Ophelias 2019 Author Zorka Wollny. Photos Adam T Burton. Published by Muzeum Sztuki. Lodz

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Circles  2019  Author Adam T Burton. Amazon £5.07

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"Dirty Filthy Paper, Dirty Filthy Film, Dirty Filthy Book" 2019

Author Adam T Burton. Amazon £7.73

Originally made as a handmade artist book in 2013 this project “Dirty Filthy Paper, Dirty Filthy Film” Was documentation of a series of exhibitions of what I described as performance photochemistry, my main aim was to help create a dialogue to support this medium that at the time looked doomed. I have added to the end of this publication my essay / research report which I saw as an art adventure / detective story, it was a summing up of the current state of play of film and the trajectory it looked like it was taking.

 As I write this in September 2019, there have been changes in the film industry that make me more optimistic. Most notably the amazing contributions from the team that created 2019’s film BAIT directed by Mark Jenkin and produced by Linn Waite and Kate Byers. Also productions such as Happy as Lazzaro 2018 which was shot on 16mm as well as TV shows such as The Walking Dead and Euphoria. The film industry in its more traditional form has also re-embraced the medium for reasons of versatility, aesthetics and production cost.

 Adam T. Burton September 2019.

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Trehafren     2020

Author Adam T Burton, Amazon £2.83

"Trehafren" is a series of illustrations, documenting the psychogeographical exploration of the Trehafren housing estate in Newtown,Powys just before the houses were re-clad and had their 1970s charm hidden for a while.

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