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My practice draws on the study of the influence that the physical environment and technology bears on the  human  mind and behaviour. In other words, my work explores the human relationship with geography and early technological tools, what is sometimes referred to as psychogeography and psycho-proto-technology.  Adam T Burton 2023



Norwich University of the Arts:.....BA Hons degree 1st class. Fine Art.

“Those Personal Machines of Transcendence” 2014
                               Video installation

“He allowed himself to be swayed by his conviction that human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but that life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves.”


Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez, Love in the Time of Cholera

In the work of Adam T. Burton, whose digitally made film Those Personal Machines of Transcendence is intentionally disrupted to give this difficult-to-view media a certain amount of tangibility, the materiality of what Burton creates is very much at the forefront of his practice; HD footage is paired with animated light bleeds and virtual camera faults and gives the impression that Burton is working with a media much more physical than is actually the case. The footage sees Burton returning to his hometown, a place he left at the age of 19, where he shoots an array of eerie scenes in which images of the 70s housing estate in which he grew up, seem not to move at all. The film is not made nostalgically, lovingly or emotionally, instead Burton seems to demonstrate a disconnect between himself, his camera and his subject.


by Joseph Doubtfire

"Chambers of the House, Chambers of the Heart" 2014

                                      Sculpture, MDF

For the psychologist Carl Jung, the building of a house was a symbol of building the self.

                                 Documentists 2014

Collaberation with Giulia Ranchetti and Roisin Callaghan

              Installation, perfomance, document

            "700 Feet Down" 2013

Performance, video installation, book.

“700 Feet Down” ache. shot 1990, hand processed in a bucket 2013

"A Factory Act"  2013 , Video Performance

"48 Hour Long Haul Flight" 2012, Audio Performance, bronze sculpture, book.

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"Book Making Workshop" 2014 Performance

Lilla's 1991 Fiat Panda with buttercup and daisy powered engine.
                 ( Complicated boxes 4. Adam T Burton. 2015. )

My aim was to create an object using technologies that have been in existence for centuries. I was interested in the maket or model of something complicated and mechanical from the near present to be sketched out in 3 dimensions. There is much excitement surrounding the capabilities of the 3D printer, a tool capable of “making real” in the 3D world objects designed on a 2D platform. Objects, makets and models have historically been made in engineering, using materials of clay and card and paper mache The car is of course not functional in the sense that it doesn’t drive. I imagined that this Fiat Panda could be made at any point in history, with paper or stiff parchment and with rabbit glue. Much like the fore thought of Da Vinci’s helicopter or tank. The relevance of the Fiat Panda is that it is my Wife's favourite car, the first car that she bought new. The engine is powered by “buttercups and daisies”, a romantic gesture and a piece gifted to her. It sits on her chest of draws, a snapshot, a sketch, a ghost or talisman to the real long gone object.

"Those Personal Machines of Trancendence" 2014, Print, Paper sculpture

"Villa Ranchetti / Villa Gattaia" 2017, Commision, Paper sculpture

"Offcuts,Tests and experiments" 2018, film.

Linocuts. 2018 Adam T Burton.

Flatpack Tourist. 2018 Adam T. Burton

Hamlet sequence performed by cassette machines  2018, Adam T. Burton

Photo sequence 257 Lon Pinwydd 1981

Hedges. 120 film. 2018

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Suffolk Sq. ilford fp4 120 film in Carl Rowe's Dad's Brownie target 620. 2019

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Complicated Boxes 7. 2019 sculpture, painted OSB board Adam T Burton


Complicated Boxes 6. 2018 sculpture ,painted MDF. Adam T Burton


Complicated Boxes 5. 2017 sculpture, Varnished OSB board Adam T Burton


Complicated Boxes 5. Detail 2017 sculpture, varnished OSB board Adam T Burton


Configuration of anatomy is approximate. oil on canvas 2006. Adam T Burton. in the collection of Philip Barnett


Gero's Fruit flies, Oxford 2006 0il on canvas. Adam T Burton


Animation Loop drawings 1985

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Animation loop drawings 1985

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1 Hour Walk Up And Down My Hallway. 2020

Thank you to Binmen. 2020 gouache on painted cardboard


Black Box Tests 2013-14

Lockdown London.  2020

Handmade Cement and beach sand tile with embossed cardboard and tape pattern. 06/02/21

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   This was the internet 2022


Sample pages in handmade books of the internet before the great technology crash.


Lilla's table. Pen and ink 2022


Brenda's Room pen and ink 2022

Adam T, Cost of living crisis Christmas with shingles pen and ink 2022

and for some reason my tash looks like a bird

Aberystwyth backyard pen and ink 2022


TV, Carpet and Curtains pen and ink 2022


2023 pen and ink 2023


Self Portrait 2023 Linocut 2023


Copies of Paintings Seen in Movies / No 7 'Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?' acrylic on card 2023

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Film still copyright Warner Bros

Brisk walk to acapella 2020

178 speed 2023 HD video

The Two Dollar Bill  pen ink paint,text 2023

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Bad Technician 2012 perfomance, Adam T Burton collaboration with Thom Haley.
Setting up a photo processing service that loses, abuses and ruins your film.


My Favorite Epidemiologist 2023 drawing

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Animation 2023

Monday 2023 HD video

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